Monday, October 30, 2017

Argument #1: Kilbourne

            The following TED talk from Kilbourne agrees on the idea that social media and ads do not help young women growing up feel confident. Advertisement effects all girls growing up to look like a person they can’t be. As TED Talk went on Kilbourne said, “The pressure on women to be young, thin and beautiful is no more intense than ever.” This is true what she said, women look at different build boards that display ultra-thin women with some formula to acquire a body like the picture displays. Most women, caught up with the look do not look to reality in understanding the photo is fake and the woman on it is probably not even that size. With photo shop occurring more and more women begin to feel more self-conscious of what they look like.
            Kilbourne then goes on to talk about Chanel, and how a man and woman are shown modeling their bodies. She explains how the male body is not touched up as much as the female’s body is in the Photoshop. I believe they do this because men and women respond differently to photos. Women will look at the photo instantly thing they want to be like them while men don’t look at the model and say I want to be like him, I just want the scent. Talking to girls and learning from experience they are too passionate on the way they look, but not all men look for a woman’s looks. I think woman can look uglier when they try to model themselves after another person.

            One topic really caught my attention when Kilbourne rambles on saying, “Girls at young ages are exposed to ads which then cause them to feel they will never be good enough or pretty.” I don’t agree because if this was happening to woman why isn’t the same effect happening to men trying to look like someone. I believe girl at a young age do it to themselves and find a way to bully themselves and their conscious. If the young girls grew up without those ads appearing they would be happy with themselves because they won’t see any challenger that “looks better” than them. She can easily take herself out of harm’s way by not watching those ads or avoiding the pictures because the companies’ job is to get customers to buy their products and if that’s what it takes they won’t stop.

Reflection #2

     The writing process helped me develop my writing from a high school student to a college level student. The most improve part of my writing process would be peer review, tutoring, and revising. Having my paper looked over in class helps build a solid foundation for the rest of my paper, I believe that if a student can pick out an idea that doesn't agree with your thesis, your professor will easily notice. Tutoring also helped me achieve my writing goals because having a higher level student going through a paper she once did helps me find the key topics that will make my paper stand out. I never was big into revising papers it was't a good habit but I'm slowly starting to enjoy it more because it then makes me feel better knowing I have a well written paper.
     Writing the papers we have completed so far can indicate that the writing process was being used from the start to the finish. The last paper we did on technology ruin our connection to the natural world it is clear that my grammar, spelling and word choice are at a much higher level. Going along with the paper having things done with time to others is what helped me a lot as well. I tried to space my days evenly that I will have enough time to accomplish each part of the process at the best of my ability.
     The process opened my eyes to better ways to achieve in trying to let a reader understand my topic as fast and easy as possible. Having help along the way from the peer review, tutoring, and revising with my professor I feel my paper became a social process not just concerning me. Taking the paper to different people gives me a chance to hear what they believe on the topic if they agree or disagree all the feedback is helpful. Their feedback can very well end up in my paper which in a sense makes it kind of theirs as well.
     As a writer i have learned a lot about myself from grammar to word choice. I feel that the more help i get the better my understanding for what words i should and should not use. I have just learned that contractions are not allowed in formal papers because my tutor in the learning center steered me to the right path.

Wednesday, October 18, 2017


Have we lost touch with the natural world?  Have we lost who we truly are as a result of our interplay with technology?
As technology starts to become more advanced each day, we slowly start to lose the union between the Earth and humankind because technology demands our attention.

Monday, October 16, 2017

They Say, I Say

1.  The Introduction is titled, "Entering the Conversation"--what does this title reveal about your role as a research/argumentative writer?

The title reveals that the writing is going to argue the ideas of conversations relating to the writing in essays.

2.  Explain the "They Say, I Say" model (p. 3).  According to the authors, what is the "one underlying feature" that all good academic writing has?" (p. 3).

The "They say, I Say" is a formula to set up a writers view. Talk about the opponents topic then bounce off that idea with what your argument is. An underlying feature is to deeply engaged on people's view.

3.  Look at the templates under "Ways of Responding" (p. 8-9).  What is the purpose of these templates.  What do they show you as a writer?  Why should you consider using them?

The purpose of these templates are to generate thoughts in the readers mind not to have them responding yes or no. As a writer it shows that you are able to create debate and argument because when that is created the reader enjoyed your book.

4.  In Chapter One, "They Say," what important point does the story of Dr. X illustrate?  (p. 17-18).

It illustrates that having a clear argument from the start helps catch an audiences' attention instead of having them guess the whole time on your idea until the very end, and even then they might not know.

5.  Review the templates for articulating what "They Say" in your papers.  (p. 20-25).  Write down 3-5 templates that you might like to try out in your QDW paper.

In recent work, Y and Z have offered harsh critiques of ____ for ____.
Many people assume that_____.
Common sense seems to dictate that _____.
The standard way of thinking about topic X has it that _____.

6.  In Chapter Four, "Yes, No, OK But," what do the authors write is the most common and recognizable ways of responding to a text/author/idea? (p. 51)

With simply one word answers such as "I agree" or "I disagree" and then explain why.

7.  According to the authors, what is a good tactic for beginning your response? (p. 52)

Although some readers might think that this poem is about ____, it is in fact about ___.

8.  Look closely at the templates for disagreeing and for agreeing.  Attempt to draft your own statement about our topic of study:  The role of technology in our lives, using ONE of the templates in this section.  Try to organize your opinions on the reading we've done (Bauerlein, Lasn, Turkle) into one of these templates.  Fill in this template using these texts and place it in your blog. (p. 53-61)

By focusing on the idea that technology is a way for comfort, Dr. Turkle overlooks the deeper problem of that not everyone can receive the same comfort. Justine once received the wrong type of feedback to her tweet, which led to her being fired as well.

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

QDW #5 Black Mirriors

The future of technology has a bright future ahead of it with many positives and some negatives. Technology is being created to help keep soldiers safe by using droids. These little devices are being updated everyday and is saving lives. If the army can send in a robot instead of a person you are now risking zero lives instead of one. Technology is also taking over peoples jobs which is a down fall to having this technology. Robots save money as time passes so spending a larger amount of money at once instead of paying a person each week to do a job. People are also becoming more anti-social as technology becomes more advanced, people use their phones to get in touch with a company if they work at home. Video technology lets people have conferences with out even being in the same room as the person that is meeting you.

The episode we watched on black mirrors relates to social popularity and how people strive to be at the top. The main character wanted to be popular and she had an old friend that turned out to be a fake friend. Striving for popularity, Lacie tried her best to get like while popping up randomly in the middle of Naomi's wedding. She spoke her mind as she learned in her journey to the wedding that speaking the truth is better than holding it back just to be popular. This reflects society when people use social media to strive for popularity. Rappers, athletes, and others T.V. stars all use different apps to create an image for themselves that helps them get a product or song to the public to buy. The title of the series "Black Mirrors" symbolizes the bad in side of a person that technology can reflect in you. People in today's society have went in to this phase, because they will act differently to show their wealth. Phones have taken over kids lives is the consequences as a result of modern technology.

Sunday, October 8, 2017

QDW #4 "Connected, but Alone"

People use the internet to try and reach out to one another so someone will listen. Instead of using physical interaction, or face to face conversation because it is uncomfortable to people and no one likes to get out of that zone. Social media's get instant feedback which gives the user even more comfort.

    This argument can be compared to when Lasn's talked about Justine riding on an airplane, tweeted a joke on Twitter and fell asleep on the plane with no service. When she woke up she brought the wrong attention to herself, instantly she got back negative feedback about her "racist joke" on the third world countries. Dr. Turkle's argument stands someone what true but not completely. She thought twitter would bring comfort and happiness but in reality Justine received horrible responses and was fired from her job because of it. That's where people don't think before doing, she should have thought about how people are more sensitive than others. The two together do reflect similar arguments but with two different outcomes.
     If I sat down with the two Dr. Turkle and Mrs. Lasn I'd ask what would be appreciate to post and when. Obviously they would I think they would say don't post something you second guess, if you are rethinking about posting something it probably is then a bad thing and shouldn't be posted unless you want to hear any type of feedback. I think they would agree with what I said about the idea of tweeting.

Your iPhone will soon become your best friend, siri, the talking response system to a iPhone will be developed that she understands what you ask. All everyone wants is to have someone listen to what you have to say and understand it, we feel fulfillment when having a conversation and the listener understands the speaker.

    Why do people feel the need to have a best friend robot to have understand you instead of a breathing person who can go through the same situation. Lasn talked about a system that can read what a person buys and sends coupons on stuff that are related to the object bought. This led to a young girl getting in trouble because baby coupons were sent to her house and her parents found it. This will just happen to kids when they are younger because parents monitor their children's phone, busting the kids will be easier if you had siri understand what you talk about.
     I'd ask Dr. Turkle why people are afraid to go out and meet people. If someone is so comfortable letting a device know something what would the difference be if that device was a living breathing human who can relate to a situation. Lasn idea seems ridiculous too, I feel like that is an invasion of privacy if a store can watch what you buy and then send things to you that are related to the topic. They both seem like they like their idea and would not agree with my side because it goes against what they have to say and since they are the ones who study the topic they wouldn't like a nineteen year old questioning the theories.

A elderly woman had a baby seal robot that kept the woman company, she felt that comfort because the seal was just faking empathy to reinsure the user. People are now seeking out different styles of robots that can seem life like but really it is just pretending. Technology is in demand of the people because it creates a sense of comfort.

    Lasn argued that companies should use algorithms to help find employees instead of using face to face interviews. Going along with Dr. Turkle's idea, the robots can't feel anything they just understand what is being said. Face to face contact can be a different form than what a robot sees, the interview has a sense of feeling to relate what the situation is. The old woman was happy that this robot understood her but just think, what if a person listened and responded with her thoughts not something that was controlled to say something. I just do not feel the same way about how robots are the new push for friendship and trust.
     Trust, that would be my question to them, how can a person trust a system. People express their self in many ways, ways that sometimes only can be understood if you listened to the story, how it was said with emotion. Lasn and Dr. Turkle both believe that robots aren't the saving grace but they think they can help people with their comfort. Agreeing to what I have said I think we would create a great conversation and new things to study about human interactions versus the interactions between humans and robots.

Connected, but Alone

"Connect, but Alone" and "Alone Together" symbolize an argument that people are living more on social media than in real life. She express that people don't like to interact face to face but on a social media app like Twitter or Instagram. A person feels most comfort when they are being looked at on these apps; the goal for the goal for Twitter is to get favorites and retweets and Instagram is about getting likes and comments. I do agree that the technology now a days is getting to excessive and people need to get off it. The reason that it is taking over is because our own president uses that to get out everything he wants to say. He tweets at least once a day on nonsense that doesn't need to be addressed in the times we are living in with all these tragedies.

Friday, October 6, 2017

QDW #3 Screen Part 2

They talk about Justine and how her tweet about being a funny racist like South Park and the reason south park strives, but she claims it was a joke on the third world country which is still messed up.
"That was a social justice" the event when people all over Twitter attack one person over racist joke that wasn't even meant to be taken that way and she was fired because social media demanded it.

The talk show talks about a woman who tweets a racist joke and falls asleep on an international plane to wake up to her tweet trending all around the world. The show in a way defends her because they say she wasn't awake to explain herself to all the ruthless people that attacked her for this comment. As I don't agree with the racist joke because living in this world today that is not a joking matter, people are sensitive to what others say and do. I do feel bad for her because she received messages from virtual attackers that led her to delete and go basically off the grid and fired because social media said too. Social media shouldn't have an effect on what decision are made on employees.

Target would monitor what people would buy and a young teenage girl received a baby coupon sheet from Target which then lead the parents to figure out she is pregnant two weeks before she planned on telling them.

I feel like this is a breaking some type of law to be able to send a young girl baby coupons because she bought something from the store such as a pursue that can hold baby diapers. This led to the young girl being caught about being pregnant to her parents. If she is eighteen which I do not know if she is, Target should have made her aware of the coupons that appear in the mail. Target knew she was pregnant because of the algorithms created in the system to figure out what people do and by and be able to tell the future of their lives. Personal I do not want companies looking at me and looking into my "future" and knowing what I will need.

People make assumption on online profile and the algorithms that will learn something about a person in the future. This can cause someone to lose a job because they are predicted to be unreliable.

 The algorithms are now being designed for companies to be able to go in to social media and predict what a perspective employee may be like in the future. Algorithms detect things off social media and that social media page can be totally different than what that person acts like in real life. Social media can be a way to expresses yourself or it can be a way used to hide from people of the outside world so you aren't ridiculed by what you said on Twitter or Instagram. It scares me to know that my job can lie in the hands of a computer for the stuff I like on social media which takes places outside of the work place. The woman who help create these algorithms even mentioned herself that she is scared of what this may do to the world and the jobs we get.

Our relationship with technology is strong and is relied on heavily today. People are being hired because they know how to work a computer; then the employer can just teach the routine on what he must do for that job with little knowledge of the information he is dealing with. My online life is something I do like to do. A phone, computer or any smart device helps update people with instant alerts to notify anyone at the exact moment it is happening. I do use my phone quite frequently; though I try not to use it all the time throughout the day. Taking breaks from the internet and social media apps are important to help see a different side of the world one where you are the judge of what is going on and you think how you feel not someone else. I think in a twenty-four hour day people are on their phones or any device roughly five to eight hours.

Monday, October 2, 2017

Ecology of the Mind

"I have no hard proof that daily exposure to media violence shapes the way you feel about crime and punishment, or affects the way you feel about that guy standing next to you at the bus stop."

I do not agree with what he's saying, violence does have change on people view of the others that surround them. If you went up to strangers on a street and asked who do you feel most nervous about everyone will have an answer because the world isn't safe to people after all the events of civilians being killed in the U.S., France, or England. Just on Sunday night an old man shot and killed fifty-eight people and injured over 200 sends a message to people to be careful of the people around you. If efforts were made to study that idea, I believe they could prove that a fact a person does in fact look at people and wonder.

"You fill your car with gas, there's an ad on the nozzle. You wait for your bank machine
to spit out money and an ad pushing GICs scrolls by in the little window. You drive through the heartland and the view of the wheat fields is broken at intervals by enormous billboards."

This is just a good way for publicizing a company in efforts to make a large amount of money. It can also be used by the many well known companies such as McDonald's, Burger King, Wendy's or the gas station that always neighbor each other. These corporations have a great deal of money so what else better to do with all the income they collect than to put it back up in the form of a billboard to get customers to come to their business. All they do is pay the farmer annual more than likely and that isn't probably close to what they make in income off that sign. I have used these signs before because than can be useful to a driver who may be need in gas, food, or a place to stay.

"Advertising aims to do the same thing. Dr. Cameron's guinea pigs emerged from the Montreal trials with serious psychological damage. It was a great scandal. But no one is saying boo about the ongoing experiment of mass media advertising. In fact, new guinea pigs voluntarily come on board every day." 

I don't think this is can be related at all unless you do not know the whole experiment. I watched a documentary when I read this experiment because I am interested in that, but the experiment had other factors than just drilling an idea in to a persons head. Before the Doctors would start to drill certain questions in to the persons head they gave him drugs; one in particular being LSD a hallucination drug. This drug would cause a person to see different things and thinks certain ways; the subject was as well left alone to take in by himself. This to me is nothing like what an everyday billboard is doing. "McDonald's Exit 2 Miles" with a little caption underneath saying "Try our Big Mac with a Large fountain drink and fries" just to let the customer know what the special is.

This passage was about how the world is now being taken over by technology and how we it controls our daily lives. The argument can be supported by how they use facts and statistics throughout the passage, to question if the reader still thinks that the argument of technology does in fact take over our lives. I think technology does effect people and how they interact with each other in person versus texting or using a social media account to interact. I don't think kids are being taught basic skill, they should be taught at a young age when the children first enter grade school. The two authors would agree with the statement on technology because the arguments of each passage supports one another.

Drafting 10/2/17

I'm on my phone on a daily because it is a big part of my life. I think I do use it a lot more than I should since I use it about 4-5 hours a day. I think people check their phone to often which adds time up to a lot when in reality your not doing much. I don't watch a lot of movies on my phone maybe thirty second videos I watch on Instagram. I don't have my phone for games I may have one or two but I think all the games are pointless. Technology does help in classes it provides me with anytime access when I need it.

I've watched the nut cracker two years ago for Christmas.
I have been in the air space museum a couple years ago. I was able to walk around and able to look at all the planes.
I took part in ships service and I was also active in my community since my father was apart of the volunteer club.

Pop quiz:
1. Simon and Randy
2. Forest Gump
3. Taking a knee for black lives in the NFL
4. Jersey Shore, Keeping up With The Kardashians, Kim and Kourtney take Miami
5. Burt Simpson
6. My Hump

Part II
1. Republicans and Democrats
3. Paul Ryan
4. Freedom speech, religion, and expression
5. Vincent Van Gosh